Value adding

IMG_9542 (Edited)

Flowers inspired from trip to Singapore Gardens By Bay. [22 October 2017]

Was reflecting on a message by my mentor:

“Ask not what you can get”. I get satisfaction from adding value to other’s lives. If I don’t have the money and means, I will usually give my whole attention and time. Add value first without any expectation of receiving anything in return. Do this with enough frequency and you’ll get way more than you give.

It’s cringeworthy whenever people attempt to get without first giving and take without contributing. Scientists call these organisms- a parasite.



Cactus inspired from a trip to Singapore Gardens by the Bay [29 September 2017]

Everyday life can get in the way of tranquility, and when we reach into the metaphorical pockets of our head, we find only a mind disquieted by nonstop thoughts, leaving us unable to hear the beautiful euphony of silence.

We needn’t give up, though.

With our headphones or earpiece, we simply take a moment to untangle the cord, plug in the music and lost in our own world… Travelling to work or school… worrying in train of thoughts… Perhaps the same can be accomplished with quiet. When we’re overwhelmed by the clamour of our day-to-day routine, we can take a moment to untangle our mind from the phone.



Breathe in.


Breathe out.

Let go.


Sure, the chaos is out there, but it can wait. The silence is right here, right now.

-The minimalists